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Home Services Professional training

The concept of training is very sensitive to this day as the standards and technologies are renewed every day now.

For these reasons arises the need for training and updating in order to adapt the knowledge to business needs.

The GEOSIS Ltd. organizes training courses in order to train their employees to the latest standards and technologies.

Furthermore, Ltd. GEOSIS been cooperating with the State Institutes through the project called "TIR.FO." (internship) that allows students to interact with the world of work and "touch" the profession you have chosen to undertake .

The system of school-work enriches the education that young people acquire the education or training courses, providing them, in addition to basic knowledge, skills they can in the labor market.

In addition, through cooperation with industry associations to GEOSIS Ltd. is able to organize professional courses for all needs.

This "expertise" also allows you to create a link between the supply of educational and socio-economic development of different territories.

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