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Home Services Security

The safety in the workplace, construction sites and in particular, is a recurring theme that frequently fills the headlines.

Its relevance is also given by the "partial" re-definition of the prior regulations (Legislative Decree 494/96) by the Consolidated Security (Legislative Decree 81/2008).

The security must be pursued in advance through the tools available:

  1. Security plan and coordination (PSC);
  2. Operational safety plan (POS);
  3. Plan replacement security (PSS);
  4. Paper work;
  5. Minutes of the audits, regular meetings, the information transmitted.


They are a tool available to the security even those responsible being prosecuted and requirements:

a. buyer;

b. Head of the proceedings;

c. Supervisor;

d. Safety coordinator at the design stage;

and. Safety coordinator at run time;

f. The contractor, subcontractor, the self-employed, the employer;

g. The technical director or site manager;

h. The construction manager.

The GEOSIS Ltd provides the customer a complete security package, and under existing regulations in this regard.

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