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Eolico, la Consulta boccia una norma della legge regionale della Sardegna Anev: casi come questi dimostrano la necessità di rivedere il Titolo V della Cos... Leggi tutto
Fotovoltaico a concentrazione, altri 5 MW in arrivo per l’Italia Il fotovoltaico a concentrazione (CPV) si fa strada lentamente nel mix energetic... Leggi tutto
Una sfera di vetro ricava energia dal sole anche di notte 25 ottobre 2012 Una sfera, per coniugare produzione di energia pulita ed esteti... Leggi tutto
18.12.2012 - Quinto Conto Energia, sempre più vicino il tetto di spesa di 6,7 miliardi Al 16 dicembre 2012 già superati i 6,5 miliardi di euro di costo cumulato annuo ... Leggi tutto
18.12.2012 - Eolico e solare, entro il 2030, potrebbero alimentare la rete al 99% Secondo uno studio dell'Università del Delaware, le rinnovabili, combinate ad un... Leggi tutto
20.12.2012 - Le rinnovabili saranno la seconda fonte mondiale di energia elettrica nel 2015 13.11.2012: Secondo il rapporto «World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2012», pubblicato da... Leggi tutto
28.12.2012 - ORDONA - MESSA IN ESERCIZIO TURBINA EOLICA DA 1 MW "SICILF"   Il 28.12.2012 è stata messa in esercizio, quindi ha cominciato ad immettere... Leggi tutto
29.12.2012 - FOGGIA - MESSA IN ESERCIZIO IMPIANTO A BIOGAS DA 330 KW   Il 29.12.2012 grazie alla collaborazione per le relative competenze delle d... Leggi tutto
02.05.2013 - Rinnovabili diverse dal fotovoltaico, assegnati 4,15 miliardi di euro   02/05/2013 - È stato aggiornato al 31 marzo 2013 il contatore del costo indic... Leggi tutto


Tempeste solari




Home Work performed Expropriation and enslavement

Work performed by expropriation / servitude:

- Company / Contractor: Consortium of Reclamation Capitanata (1992) - Enterprise performer: Spa Di Corato

Renovation of the stream Cervaro;

- Company / Contractor: A.N.A.S. (1992) - Enterprise performer: Di Corato S.p.a.

modernization of the S.S. 16;

- Company / Contractor: A.N.A.S. (1992) - Enterprise Drive S.r.l.

modernization of the S.S. 91/ter.

- Company / Contractor: Campania Region (1992) - Enterprise performer: CCC

Construction of school buildings in the municipalities of the Province of Naples;

- Company / Contractor: City of St. Mark the Catola (1993) - Enterprise performer: Ecogest Srl

residential center consolidation, planning elaborate expropriation and servitude;

- Company / Contractor: Basilicata Region (1994) - Enterprise performer: Astaldi Spa -

Articles of consolidation of the towns of Lauria, Terranova di Pollino and Maratea;

- Company / Contractor: M.C.M. ir. Concession Modena (1994) - Enterprise performer: System Scarl - Design and conduct of expropriation proceedings Modena - Sassuolo;

- Company / Contractor: E.A.A.P. (1994) - Enterprise performer: Mucafer

Water in the valley of Walnut and the City of Maratea;

- Company / Contractor: Nat Pres. of Ministers (1995) - Enterprise performer: Co.In.Sud

Industrial area in the municipalities of Calabritto and Senerchia;

- Company / Contractor: E.N.E.L (1997)

line design is preferred MT Trinity Post Km.10 Bird and fittings;

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1996)

design of the MV line is č.p. to C.da Olivolla and fittings - S.Ferdinando km8.500 of Puglia;

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1998)

Design Line TM preferential primary substation to Orta Nova sorting Stornara - km.11.000;

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1998)

Design Line TM preferential sorting Stornarella cabin Fontana Silica - km.14.000

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1998)

Design work of preferential line of CS Zapponeta cabin to "agricultural Carapelle node and cabin fittings. - Km.8.500

- Company / Contractor: TELECOM ITALY (1997 -1998)

Design guidelines for connecting various users in the province of Foggia.

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1998)

Construction work Preferred Line from č.p. Cattle cabin Segezia node and connections - Easement Bonaire

- Company / Contractor: Mountain Community Sub Dauno Southern Apennines (1999)

Project for the construction of sewer connections outside the black and Social Centre Community aqueduct built with fairs, exhibitions and Studies Center of the City of Cattle.

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Zone of Cerignola

Construction work underground line Margherita di Savoia - Zapponeta

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work Preferred Line Sant'Agata di Puglia - Candle

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Zone of Cerignola

Construction work Preferred Line Post New Bird Post - km.8 +700

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work Olivolla nodal line - Trinidad - San Ferdinando di Puglia

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Zone of Manfredonia

Construction work of the Preferred Monte Sant'Angelo - Manfredonia - Km.24 +000

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of the Preferred č.p. Cattle cabin sorting Giardinello Foggia - Km 14 +400

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of the Preferred č.p. Orta Nova cabin sorting New Post - 5 +200 Km

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of the Preferred č.p. of Calaggio in Rocchetta San Antonio - Km 7 +500

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (1999) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of the Preferred č.p. Calaggio of Sant'Agata di Puglia - Km 8 +800

- Company / Contractor: WATER PUGLIESE - Impresa SpA executor SLED-Naples (1999)

Construction of water mains in the San Carlo in the countryside of Ascoli Satriano (Foggia) - n.304 companies

- Company / Contractor: CITY OF LIZZANO (Ta) - Impresa SpA executor SLED - Naples (1999)

Project for the reuse of wastewater for irrigation and artificial recharge of groundwater n.363 companies

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (2000) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of fitting the new CP of Cattle

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (2000) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work of fitting meters in agro Sant'Agata di Puglia

- Company / Contractor: WATER PUGLIESE - Company executing GFC LTD - Power (2000)

Project for the reuse of wastewater for irrigation and artificial recharge of groundwater n.35 companies

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (2000) - Distribution Division - Zone of Andria

Connections users in the countryside of Andria

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (2000) - Zone of Cerignola

Construction work Preferred Line Post New Bird Post - km.8 +700

Acquisition soils for the realization of the cabins nodal

- Company / Contractor: ENEL (2000) - Distribution Division - Exercise of Foggia

Construction work Olivolla nodal line - Trinidad - San Ferdinando di Puglia

Acquisition soils for the realization of the cabins nodal

- Company / Contractor: ENEL - Andria Zone (2001)

Regularization interference with regional road No.6 in the countryside of Minervino Murge (Ba) 2 ^ Lot

- Company / Contractor: ENEL - Zone Manfredonia (2001)

Agro Morning - rural electrification.

- Company / Contractor: ENEL - (2002)

Province of Foggia - connecting various users

- Company / Contractor: CITY OF ANDRIA - Simeon Company Ltd - (2002)

Agro Andria hamlet. Montegrosso - Adaptation and standardization of water supply and sewerage treatment plant of the town of Monegreosso (BA)

- Company / Contractor: ENEL - Zone Manfredonia (2003)

Agro Morning - rural electrification 1 and Lot 2

- Company / Contractor: ENEL - Zone Manfredonia (2004)

Territory of Mount St. Angel - rural electrification

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