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Home Work performed Territorial information systems

Work performed in the field of Geographic Information Systems:

- Research co-funded by MIUR and the University of Bari (2003 - 2004) "City, territory, environment: integration of innovative technologies for the construction of the knowledge of decision support", the national coordinator Silvana Lombardo, coordinator of the local unit of the University Professor of Bari. Engineer. Francis Selicato.

- Research MIUR (plans to upgrade the network science and technology) entitled "Promotion of Cultural Heritage and Environmental Ofanto Valley"; Nicola Maiellaro national coordinator, coordinator of the local Professor Angela Barbanente. Research collaboration in the construction of environmental databases (including expert knowledge and local knowledge) integrated into a Geographic Information System.

- Research co-financed by MURST and University of Bari, entitled "Engineering knowledge in land use planning process", the national coordinator Lidia Diappi, coordinator of the local engineer. Emilia Conte. Research collaboration in the construction of a prototype Decision Support System for monitoring air quality.

- Research on territorial issues across the ravines Jonico Arch, co-financed by MURST and University of Bari, entitled "Stability and vulnerability of the territory"; responsible engineer. Vincent Simeone with the participation of Prof. Guerricchio University of Calabria. Research collaboration in the construction of three-dimensional model of the ground for the study area.

- Between September 2001 and ongoing: Collaboration with the Province of Foggia for the construction and updating of GIS and preparation of the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan with scientific coordinator prof. Engineer. Edoardo Salzano

- 2002: Collaboration in the activities of listening and preparation of the Preliminary Plan Document for the General Urban Plan of Corato (BA) coordinated by prof. Engineer. Dino Borri.

- 2007: City of Willow Talentino - draft national development plan.

- 2008: Collaboration in planning for the implementation of the enlargement of the Highway 16 route Pescara - Foggia.

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